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DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine Watercolor Confetti 36 dot set

If you love taking a paint brush to a new color, painting out a stroke, watching the color flow across your paper and experiencing the joy of a beautiful new watercolor, the dot card is a must-have! Daniel Smith has created an easy way to try various colors from the Extra Fine Watercolor line. The Confetti 36-Color Dot Card Pack includes 36 dots of watercolor paint on nine inspirational themed cards: Gemstones - rhodonite genuine, jadeite genuine, amazonite genuine and amethyst genuine; Mix & Mingle 1 - hansa yellow medium, anthraquinoid red, French ultramarine blue and lunar black; Mix & Mingle 2 - permanent orange, imperial purple, phthalo green (blue shade) and Jane's gray; Autumn Glow - Aussie red gold, quinacridone gold, quinacridone burnt orange and hansa yellow light; Born to Sparkle - pearlescent white, duochrome Cabo blue, duochrome hibiscus and duochrome emerald; Add a Little Sparkle - iridescent gold, iridescent garnet, iridescent russet and iridescent electric blue; Granulating Fun - rose of ultramarine, sap green, ultramarine turquoise and lunar blue; Colors of Inspiration - opera pink, cascade green, green gold and moonglow; Paint Flowers - wisteria, lavender, quinacridone lilac and quinacridone rose.
